Cafe restaurant Terrace

Cafe restaurant TerraceTEL:+81-47-355-3348

Enjoy an elegant tea time in a bright atmosphere.

Business hours

  • Breakfast:
  • Eat-in space:
  • Shop:
  • Light meal (Dinner): 18:00-
  • * Restaurant hours may be changed without prior notice.

Number of seats

  • 68 seats

<<Information on where rice was grown>>

  • Cafe restaurant Terrace uses rice grown in Japan.
chef Masami Kitayama

A word from chef

Cafe restaurant Terrace is an eat-in space where you can relax and enjoy seasonal sweets, hotel-made bread, chef's delicatessen, and other items sold at the Cafe restaurant Terrace stand. Please use it as a space to enjoy a casual tea time or a light dinner.
chefMasami Kitayama